Details on the 2025 Buckarama Whitetail Deer Competition will be posted when available.
2024 Buckarama Whitetail Deer Competition
The Deer Competition will be held in the Roquemore Buildling at the Fairgrounds.
Enter for a chance to win one of the 6 Categories. Any person with a mount for the competition entry will receive free entrance into the show for two people. All entries regardless of their size will be scored by Boone & Crockett rules except spike bucks, which will be measured as decided by the judges. Biologists from the Georgia Department of Natural Resources and official Boone and Crockett measurers will volunteer their off-duty time to do the official scoring of the heads and their scores shall be final. There is no limit on the number of heads that may be entered. Previous contestants may re-enter the contest in different categories from those in which they have previously won. Previous winners are not eligible to win the same category again, but they are invited to bring their heads to the show to display them.
All entries will be listed in the show records maintained by GWF. Entries will be accepted in Perry during show hours until 3:00pm on Saturday, August 17. Contestants will be asked to fill out a registration card for each entry with a clearly legible phone number. All heads entered in the contest or scored may be picked up at 3pm on Sunday, August 18 at which time prizes and ribbons will be awarded. Heads must be removed by 5pm on Sunday, August 18. No deer heads will be allowed to leave the exhibit hall without a numbered receipt.
Heads that have been previously measured by the Wildlife Resources Division or by a certified Boone & Crockett scorer will not be re-measured if the contestant can produce written documentation of the score and who scored it. The previous score will be automatically assigned to the head unless the judges desire to re-score it. There will be 6 categories of competition with prizes for each category winner. Category winners shall be determined by the highest score. In case of a tie, the winner shall be
selected by drawing by the judges. The winner of each category will be chosen solely at the discretion of the Judging Committee. Deer heads may win in only one category. Boone & Crockett rules apply.
You will be given a free pass for Sunday to pick up your entry. All Whitetail Deer must have been harvested according to the laws in the state of harvest. Contestant may be required to sign a sworn affidavit to this affect. Any contestant found in violation of this rule shall be punished to the fullest extent of Georgia Law and required to return any prizes to GWF. The purpose of this contest is to offer the entered participant a chance to compete for prizes. Each rule is tailored towards that purpose and GWF, or their agents, reserves the right to modify or make additional rules in order to achieve this purpose. By entering this contest, each participant accepts these rules as written and agrees to abide by them. Interpretation of these rules shall be left solely to GWF and their assigned agents and shall be final. These rules may be modified or changed if necessary. By entering the contest, you are agreeing to these terms. You also release from any liability and hold harmless, Georgia Wildlife Federation, it’s employees, officers, agents and assigns, and sponsors from any claim or causes of action arising from participation in this contest.
White-tailed Deer Categories (Taken in Georgia)
Best in Show
Best by Firearm
Best by Archery
Best Taken on WMA
Best by Youth (Must be Under 16 at Time of Entry)
Best by Female
Best in Show will receive a Weatherby Talus Rifle

All other category winners will receive a set of Vortex Vanquish 8×26 Binoculars

Deer Competition Sponsored by: